Te'oing is the new Twitter craze

NEW YORK(NIE) Manti Te'o, Notre Dame back into the trap trick a friend who gives a whole new meaning to the term "air kiss", and starting a new fad race through social media: Te'oing.
Publish a stream of images of empty chairs or people hugging puckering up to an empty room only to Twitter with the tag # Te'oing days after the story of the college football star suffered the death of his girlfriend cancer as a fraud. Not only is it not that it did not have leukemia, did not exist.
Officials said Notre Dame Te'o told them that he was deceived into believing that he had a relationship with a woman online and fake.Read - "Mile High Club edition Te'oing" one tweet with a picture of a man hugging the air in the bathroom of the plane, in a clear reference to the practice of sex whispered in mid-flight.Clint Eastwood praised in several Tweet as a pioneer "Te'oing" comma actor with an empty chair at the Republican convention in 2012. The other showed Tweet Ronald McDonald Te'oing on the bench has a comfortable and President Barack Obama to spend quality time with Te'oing vacant seat.Only some champagne afternoon with my child" one tweet Te'oing said a man with a picture of his champagne flute crackles against another State seems to be suspended in mid-air.And snarky madness and social media said another trend similar called "Tebowing," named for the New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow, who often knelt for in the field prayer and inspired by a copy of the Convention against Torture by people who constitute images flooded social media in the past year.Scum on the vacuum and romance, has announced Kentucky minor league baseball team, and the freedom of Florence, and will abandon Manti Te'o friendly Bobblehead Dolls - empty cans, in fact - for the first Fans 1000 in the May 23 game.
One section of Florence, Kentucky, was booked at the "lovers sit with their friends and fake, girlfriends / boyfriends or husbands" who have caught on or "kiss cam pretend" and invited to compete in a contest guitar battle fake food.

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