Studies linking stress of storms, and the war to the risk of heart disease

SAN FRANCISCO: Stress does bad things to the heart. Can new studies have found higher rates of heart problems in veterans who suffer from PTSD, New Orleans residents after six years of Hurricane Katrina and the Greeks through struggling turmoil.Disasters the country's financial and tension for long periods flying 'fight or flight' hormones that affect blood sugar, blood pressure, and other things that make heart trouble ways more likely, doctors say. It also raises the anger and the deficit and stimulate the heart, said Dr. Nieca Goldberg damage, a cardiologist behaviors such as eating or drinking too much. "We have begun to link emotions with signs cardiovascular risk 'and the new research adds evidence of a link, at New York University Medical Center Langone and the American Heart Association spokeswoman.She had no role in the studies discussed Sunday at the Conference of the American College of Cardiology in San Francisco. The largest, includes 207,954 veterans in the state of California and Nevada ages from 46 to 74, compared with those PTSD to those without it. were free of heart disease and diabetes when major researchers examined veterans medical records management in 2009 and again 2010 . Checked about two years later, 35 percent of those who have PTSD, but only 19 percent of those placed without insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes and hardening arteries.Doctors also experienced higher rates of metabolic syndrome _ a combination of factors risk of heart disease, which include high body fat, cholesterol, and blood pressure and blood sugar levels.About 53 percent of veterans with PTSD, but only 37 and said one leader study, Dr. Ramin Ebrahimi, a cardiologist in the Greater Los Angeles VA Medical percent of those without it, many of these figures are estimates and symptoms.The no less important than the trend _ heart more risk with more stress, the center and a professor at the University of California. it shows that the disorder after trauma can cause physical symptoms, and not just those commonly associated with mental. "Twenty or 30 years ago PTSD is a term reserved for veterans. We have come to realize now that PTSD is actually more common disorder can occur in veterans who did not have the fighting, but was a very painful experience 'like losing a friend, he said.That applies to others who suffer such shocks as being raped , said robbed at gunpoint or in a serious accident. Nearly 8 million Americans suffer from PTSD, and the National Institute of Mental Health estimates.They include survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Led Tulane Medical Center doctors examine patients in their hospitals that indicates a heart attack is three times higher in New Orleans than it was in the years before the attacks storm.Heart 2005 up 2.4% of admissions in the six years after the storm, compared with 0.7 per percent before. Researchers found found.A third study of patients after the storm were more vulnerable to unemployment or uninsured, smoking, and that depression, anxiety or high cholesterol, heart attacks, which have risen sharply in the region of Messinia southwest Greece since January 2008 , the start of the financial crisis in that country. Researchers compared the medical records of more than 22,000 patients admitted to the general hospital in Kalamata hospital _ only with the Department of the heart and blood vessels in the heart region.There The attacks of 1084 in the four years after the crisis began to 841 compared to the four years before that, on Although still the population and demographics where an attack same.Heart rose 40 percent among women, who have higher unemployment than men and tend to be more responsible for the care of children _ double burden of stress, said lead researcher, Dr. Emmanouil Makaris.

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